About us image
At MacKinnon Design, we believe in the cohesive intersection of architecture and landscape, building within our environments for a greater experience of living.

We work across scales, from smaller sustainable dwellings, extensions, and renovations to impressive high-end projects. We now have the capacity for institutional and civic projects. We are experienced in fundraising and grant applications to turn your commercial ideas into reality.

Ross has 38 years of experience working on a wide variety of projects in Australia and the U.K. We have assembled a core team of highly skilled building designers and have a close network of interior and landscape specialists. We are close to our builders and trades to ensure synergy from concept to build.

We specialise in crafting the best in modern regional and rural Australian designs, that work harmoniously with their surroundings for an outcome you can't find anywhere else. We work all around Australia, focusing mainly on regional Victoria and NSW. We have offices in Mansfield, Sydney, and Melbourne.

We ensure your custom design will be an investment that will not only capture and bring your home's natural beauty but also guarantee a great atmosphere that is sure to last. Our buildings are designed to the highest environmental and energy efficient practices.  

We are very approachable, and welcome discussion. We look forward to hearing from you.